devonmeyerartistSep 25, 2020Quilt ArtAs well as painting and sketching, I have been exploring quilting! So much color!
Devon MeyerJul 29, 2020Pandemic Journal #46A cloudy day in Greer, AZ, away from the pandemic hotspot of Phoenix.
Devon MeyerJul 6, 2020Pandemic Journal #42What happens when people get tired of living through a pandemic?
Devon MeyerJul 6, 2020Pandemic Journal #41Why doesn't every house in Phoenix have an outdoor summer oven?
Devon MeyerJul 6, 2020Pandemic Journal #39It's easy to see the downsides. Let's make an effort to notice the good happening.
Devon MeyerJul 6, 2020Pandemic Journal #37The pandemic has shined a much-needed light into some dark corners of America.
Devon MeyerJul 6, 2020Pandemic Journal #36Where are you sheltering in place? Would you have chosen somewhere else?